Thursday, 3 June 2021

Nuwer projekte en pret

Verlede jaar het ek vir 'n familielid gevra om 'n lys te maak van haar gunstelling blomme. Die idee is om te kyk of ek dit kan borduur. Ek het besluit ek gaan al die borduurwerk in rooi doen - dus "Redwork". Anders as my DJ projek - waar elke blok redelik baie voorbereiding vereis - wil ek net iets hĂȘ wat ek tussen-in net kan "optel en neersit" soos die tyd beskikbaar is. Hierdie is dan die twee stukke wat ek reeds gemaak het. Die blokke is 6.5" x 6.5", en die borduurwerk probeer ek by 5" x 5" hou. Net om die blok bietjie op te kikker, sit ek kraaletjies ook in die stukke, net so hier en daar.

Last year I asked a family member to list me her favourite flowers. The idea is to embroider them. I decided to do it in Redwork. Where the DJ blocks take a lot of prep-work, I wanted something that I can just "pick up and put down" as the time allows. Here then is two blocks that I have already made. The blocks are 6.5" x 6.5" and the embroidery I try to keep to 5" x 5". To jazz up the block, I am adding some beads, just here and there.

Saam met dit wil ek graag 'n kwilt maak wat ek oor ons sitkamerbank kan gooi. Ek het gereken dat die beste sal wees om dit uit my afvallappies te maak, eerder as om nou ten duurste materiaal te koop. So het ek dus nou begin om my afvallappies te sny, maar het baie min stukke wat 2.5" of groter gesny kan word. Ek het egter baie 1.5" en 1" stukkies...En toe begin ek speel...

Ek het die 1.5" stukkies geneem en uitgepak, sodat ek 'n voltooide blok van 8" x 8" kon maak (dus 64 blokkies) en toe verder my patroon gevolg en vir my nuwe laslappie maskers gemaak. Ek het op daardie stadium genoegsame stukkies gehad om 2 maskers te maak. Daar is nog baie afvallappies om op te sny, so ek verwag dat daar genoeg materiaal stukkies gaan wees vir nog maskers.

While I am doing that, I also want to make quilt to throw on our sofa. I reckoned that it would be best if I use my scraps to make the quilt, rather than buy new fabric. So I started cutting up my scraps and so far I don't have a lot of 2.5" or bigger pieces. I do have a lot of 1.5" and 1" pieces...And then I started to play...

I used the 1.5" pieces and laid them out to make a completed block of 8" x 8" (thus 64 pieces) and from there I followed the pattern to make my new patchwork masks. I ended up having enough pieces to make two masks. There are still a lot of scraps to cut, so I foresee a lot more pieces for masks.


Is daar enige projekte wat julle net vir die pret doen?

Tot later!

Is there any projects you are doing, just for fun?

See you later!

1 comment:

  1. The flower blocks are pretty! Love the idea to add beads. All those small squares! Great idea to make masks. I enjoy doing the 1.5' quilt blocks (36 patches blocks).


Jou kommentaar word baie waardeer. Ek geniet dit om jul opinies te lees. / Your comments are appreciated. I enjoy reading your opinions.