Sunday 5 February 2012

Besige naweek

Ek het 'n heerlike, besige naweek beleef. Wens net die naweek kon nog 'n dag of twee langer aanhou - ek geniet hierdie ontspanning en rustigheid hopeloos te veel :-)

Die hoogtepunt van hierdie naweek was dat ons meer as 60 liter reënwater kon opvang. Die water situasie hier is maar "touch and go", en ons probeer darem waar ons kan water spaar. Ek moet ook sê dat ons is gelukkig in die sin dat ons nog elke dag, al is dit vir kort rukkies, lopende water het. Nie almal is so gelukkig nie. Gister het 'n lieflike bui reën uitgebreek, en Manlief het summier die motor uitgetrek en dit in die reën gewas. Ek het besluit om al ons emmers en lee bottels te neem, en van die reën op te vang. Na die tyd moes ek egter van klere verander, maar dit was prent om in die reën te speel.

I had a wonderful, busy weekend. I just wish it could go on for another day or two. I am enjoying the piece and relaxation too much :-)

My highlight for this weekend is that we could gather about 60 liters of rain water. The water situation here is a bit "touch and go" and we are trying to save water where we can. I must mention that we are very fortunate to have had running water everyday, even if it is for short periods. Not everybody are as lucky. We had a lovely bit of rain yesterday, and Hubby decided there and then to wash the car in the rain. I decided to take all our empty bottels and buckets, and gather as much rain water as I can. Afterwards, I had to go for a wardrobe change, but it was fun playing in the rain.

Wat kwiltwerk aanbetref; ek het my eerste voltooide projek vir die jaar! Die 12 Days of Christmas kwilt is voltooi en ons moet net die hakkies in die muur insit om dit op te hang. Ek het gewone reguit lyn kwiltwerk gedoen. Die resultaat is baie bevredigend! Danksy 'n gespottery tussen my en Manlief, word die kwilt herdoop na die "koekie-kwilt". Ek wou dit eers die "lekkergoed winkel" genoem het, weens al die kleure wat my laat dink aan 'n lekkergoed winkel, maar die tongknoper "koekie-kwilt" het gewen.

Regarding my quilting; I have my first finished project of the year! The 12 Days of Christmas quilt is finished and we only need to put some hooks on the wall to hang it up. I only did some straight line quilting on it, and the results are satisfying! The quilt will be named the "cookie-quilt", due to some teasing between Hubby and me. I wanted to call it the "Sweet shop", since all the colours in the quilt reminds me of a sweet shop, but the tongue twister "cookie quilt" won. 
Die voorkant / The front

Die agterkant, met die hangbuise reeds in plek / The back, with the hanging tubes already in place

Ek het ook intussen begin met 'n sekere dame (ahem...Hallo Ma!) se tafeldoek begin. Vir die volledige storie, kyk hier  en hier. Hierdie blokke het nog hul koppies nodig.

I also started working on a certain lady's (ahem...Hi Mom!) tabel cloth. For the full story, look here and here. These blocks still need their cups though..

So, wat het julle hierdie naweek gedoen?

So, what did you do this weekend?


  1. Zo zie je maar weer, het ene halfrond sneeuw en vorst, het andere warm en droog!
    Je quilt is erg mooi geworden, grappige naam ook.
    Succes met het tafelkleed.

  2. HAH! So you've got the rain this time, lucky you! It was raining here just now, just to get it wet! It's lovely playing in the hot rain, couldn't have done that at home! Congrats on finishing the quilt! The quilting looks great and suits the quilt! I wondered what had happened to 'mom's table topper'?! lol
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  3. Hi Elzaan, dit klink of julle pret in die reen gehad het!! En well done met jou eerste finish vir die jaar! Geniet jou ma se projek!

  4. What a lovely happy finish! Yes, the colors do remind me of a sweet shop. :-)

    Good progress on your mom's table cloth too.

  5. So bly oor die lekker reënbui. Glo jy't jou gate-uit geniet. Die 'koekie-kwilt' is pragtig... tipies manlief!!Jy't my nou behoorlik nuuskierig oor die tafeldoek. Enige idees al vir die kerskwilt? Darem pragtige materiaal wat jy van Astrid gekry het.Geniet die kwiltery!!

  6. Wonderful finish and I like the quilting!


Jou kommentaar word baie waardeer. Ek geniet dit om jul opinies te lees. / Your comments are appreciated. I enjoy reading your opinions.