I started making some progress on the embroidery quilt, when a mishap happened. It involves a red bag getting wet and begin placed on top of my embroidery piece. It then so happened that the red started running...It goes without saying that I was very upset when I discovered it. Luckily, I did manage to mostly make the stain go away. It is about 95% vanished, and if you know where to look, you might find it. But I am satisfied that it isn't a disaster anymore. I have after that completed all the halos of the angles and I finished 2 angles' wings (sorry, no photo of that)
Voor ek die borduurstuk begin was het / Before I started washing the piece
Terwyl ek na die soveelste was vir die borduurstuk gewag het om droog te word, het ek aan 'n ander stuk gewerk. Dit het my darem so bietjie beter laat voel en die emosies gesus :)
While I was waiting for the embroidery piece to dry, after the so-many-th was, I decided to work on another piece. It did calm the emotions a bit and I soon felt better :)
My gedagtes het egter gou begin draai na die "boks in die hoek" met al my Dear Jane materiale in, en vir die laaste paar dae het ek daaraan begin werk. Die plan is om alles wat ek met die masjien eers kan vaswerk, te verwerk en dan oor te gaan na die "foundation piecing" en appliek. Dusvêr het ek 12 blokke klaar. Daar is geen kleurplan nie, ek maak dit behoorlik "scrappy".
My mind kept wandering to the "box in the corner" lately, with all my Dear Jane fabrics in. And so I have started working on those. The plan is to first finish all the machine piecing pieces, then move over to foundation piecing and applique. So far I have finished 12 blocks. There is no colour placement plan. It is all scrappy.
Aan watter opwindende projekte werk julle?
On which exciting projects are you working on?
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