Finally, I have something to blog about! There is nothing better than the feeling of achievement when you finish a project.
Verlede jaar het ek begin om vir die slaapkamers nuwe gordyne te maak. Die rede was omdat dit belaglik warm raak in die somer en om die heeltyd die lugverkoelers aan te hĂȘ het ons sakke diep geruk. So ek het besluit om gordyne met "blackout" te maak met die hoop dat ek so bietjie van die direkte sonlig en hitte uit die kamers kan hou deur die somersdae.
Last year I started making new curtains for the bedrooms. The reason was that it gets unbelievably hot here in the summer and to use the air conditioners the whole time just emptied our pockets. So I decided to make curtains with blackout, hoping that I can block some of the direct sunlight and heat out of the rooms during the summer days.
Ek verwys terug na hierdie blog inskrywing waar ek die kinders se kamergordyne gemaak het.
I refer back to this blog post, where I made the kids' room curtains.
Kort daarna het ek die gang (wat na die kamers lei) se gordyne ook gemaak en daar gestop.
Shortly thereafter, I managed to complete the curtains for the hallway, leading to the bedrooms, and that is where it ended.
Die ingang na die gang / The entrance to the hallway
Die agterkant. Hier kan julle die sonblok voering duidelik sien / The back. Here you can see the blackout clearly.
Noudat die somer weer oppad is, het ek dit goed gedink om die ander kamer se gordyne klaar te maak. Ai, maar dis lekker om 'n projek af te handel!
Now that the summer is on its way, I considered finishing the other room's curtains. Oh boy, it is so nice to have a project completed!
Hoe berei julle voor vir somer? Tot later.
How do you prepare for summer? Until later.
I hope those curtains work - I sometimes hang a pair of black out curtains in the sewing room if the sun is coming in too harsh - this year I have new blinds and it wasn't bad but then we had a mild summer compared to some.