I must admit that I don't have much to say. Since my last entry, I have only been quilting on Brother 1's quilt. I must also admit that I am getting tired of it and it is becoming more work than play. I still have a small piece to do as well as the border. Unfortunately the quilting won't show on a photo, so I decided not to take one now.
Aan die kander kant, het ek wel 'n paar stukkies materiaal gesny tydens ons dag lange kragonderbreking (wat maar net 5 uur lank geduur het) verlede week. Ek het die stukke gesny vir die Blogger's BOM van verlede maand asook Broer 2 se kwilt materiale.
On the other hand, I did do some cutting of fabrics during our day long power failure last week (which lasted for 5 hours). I cut the pieces for last month's Bloggers BOM block as well as Brother 2's quilt fabrics.
Die blokke aan die linker kant gaan nog verder verwerk word tot in half-vierkant-driehoeke / The blocks on the left will be cut further into HST's.
Vir diegene wat geinteresseerd is, dit gaan goed met die baba vissies. Tydens die kragonderbreking, het ALMAL van hulle uit die broeinet ontsnap. Ek het byna 'n hartaanval gehad, maar het later gesien dat die volwasse visse die kleintjies ignoreer. So, toe los ek hulle. Daar blyk in totaal 11 kleintjies te wees - een baie groot een en 10 kleiner vissies.
For those interested, it is going well with the baby fish. During the power failure, ALL of the babies escaped from the breeding net. At fist I nearly had a hart attack, but later noticed that the adult fish are ignoring them. So, I let be. There seems to be 11 fry in total. One which is huge and 10 smaller fry.
"Groot" baba en 4 klein baba vissies / "Big" baby and 4 smaller fry
Dis dit vir eers. Tot later!
That is it for now. Until later!